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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
  • How much will I be charged for service fee if I pay a fine by Giro transfer at a post office?
    • Hits:19

    NT$10 for each payment.

  • Even though I have not received any adjudication decision, my vehicle or driver’s license has been directly canceled. Is there any safeguard to prevent such a situation?
    • Hits:19

    Don’t worry. All operations for “one-time penalty” are computer-controlled. Before any adjudication decision is legally received by the person penalized, the computer file will not indicate “delivered” and no vehicle or driver’s license will be directly canceled.

  • What is the relation between the cognitive function testing and driving ability?
    • Hits:19

    1. If the driver is with cognitive impairment, it might be accompanied with the declining of concentration, learning ability, memory, and reaction ability. It will affect driving ability.
    2. Although the cognitive function testing is not absolutely related to the driving ability, the potential group for cognitive impairment can be initially screened out through the cognitive function testing. If it is confirmed by a professional doctor, it is not suggested to continue driving or riding to avoid causing danger to ourselves or other road users.

  • Drunk driving and juvenile street racing are the high-risk groups for accident rate and elderly drivers are not the group involving with highest accident rate. Does this mean the order for high-risk groups not handling properly and shall be adjusted?
    • Hits:19

    1. The prevention of juvenile traffic accident is also a promotion that the law enforcement agency has included into the long-term project. In addition, Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act has increased the penalty on drunk driving and the law enforcement agency also cracks down on the violation. In order to improve road safety involved with elderly drivers, we take reference to the approaches used in advanced countries and establish management system in order to promote it the same time as other traffic maintenance tasks.
    2. Most advanced countries have driving license management system for elderly drivers in place. In our country, we plan to implement elderly drivers’ driving license management system on the “drivers who are 75 years old after implementation” and “drivers who are more than 75 years old and involved with violations or license suspension after implementation date”. Other than passing health examination as one of the reviewing method, drivers also need to pass “cognitive function testing” or submit “certificate of not suffering from moderate dementia or above” before they are allowed to renew a driving license for automobile (motorcycle) with a validity of three years. Other than helping the elderly who are not suitable to continue riding or driving understand their own condition, it will remind the family members to pay attention on the driving safety of the elderly’s in order to maintain road traffic safety.
    3. Highway Bureau also receives feedback from many family members to support the system. If their parents pass the testing mechanism, they will feel more relax for them to ride or drive.

  • Can people with visual impairment register automobile (motorcycle) driving license test?
    • Hits:18

    If the naked vision on the better eye of the people with visual impairment is 0.6 or above or 0.8 or above after correction, they can only register light or general heavy motorcycle driving license test. If their visual field is more than 150 degrees, they can register small vehicle ordinary driving license.

  • What is the qualification for the registration of vehicle driving license?
    • Hits:18

    1. Qualification:
    1) Age
    a. To register ordinary driving license test, light or general heavy motorcycle driving license test, the applicant must be at least 18 years old. No limitation on the maximum age.
    b. To register large heavy motorcycle driving license test, the applicant must be at least 20 years old. No limitation on the maximum age.
    c. To register professional driving license, the applicant must be at least 20 years old. The maximum age is 65.
    2) Experience
    a. No requirement for light or general heavy motorcycle driving license test.
    b. To register large heavy motorcycle driving license test, the applicant must obtain general heavy motorcycle driving license for more than one year and complete driving training in a legal driving training institution.
    c. To register small vehicle ordinary driving license, the applicant must have learner’s permit for more than three months.
    d. To register small vehicle professional driving license test, the applicant must have learner’s permit for more than six months.
    e. To register truck ordinary driving license test, the applicant must have small vehicle ordinary driving license for more than one year.
    f. To register truck professional driving license test, the applicant must have small vehicle professional driving license for more than one year.
    g. To register large passenger ordinary driving license test, the applicant must have truck ordinary driving license for more than one year or small vehicle ordinary driving license for more than two years, and complete the driving training of small vehicle directly upgrading to large passenger vehicle in a legal driving training institution.
    h. To register large passenger professional driving license test, the applicant must have truck professional driving license for more than one year or small vehicle professional driving license for more than two years, and complete the driving training of small vehicle directly upgrading to large passenger vehicle in a legal driving training institution.
    i. To register trailer ordinary driving license test, the applicant must have large passenger ordinary driving license for more than one year or truck ordinary driving license for more than two years.
    j. To register trailer professional driving license test, the applicant must have large passenger professional driving license for more than one year or truck professional driving license for more than two years.
    If the experiences specified above are completed in the public or legal private driving training institutions following the regulations set in Guidelines of Training Institution for Public Vehicle Drivers, it should be verified and approved by Ministry of Transportation and Communications according to the quantity of vehicles used for coaching registered on the registration certificate. No limitation shall be bounded, and group registration is acceptable. The same rule applies to the submission by the highway supervision authority at municipals to Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval.
    Drivers holding ordinary driving license for more than three months can register the professional driving license on the same type of vehicle. Other than the registration requirements, they should pass the supplementary subjects for written exam and items for road test.
    2. Required documents:
    a. National I.D. card or military I.D. card or alien residence permit (all in original copy).
    b. Certificate required (learner’s permit or the obtained driving license).
    c. One “ordinary (professional) driving license registration form” with qualified health examination and physical fitness test.
    d. Three one-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years; the same as the photo provided on the “ordinary (professional) driving license registration form (health examination form). Do not use image synthesis.
    3. Place of application: Counter at Driver Management Section at highway supervision authority.
    4. Fees:
    a. Registration fee: NT$450
    b. Charge of vehicle used for test.
    a) Motorcycle: It will be charged according to the market price for 1-liter unleaded gasoline #95. It will be waived for those who bring their own vehicles.
    b) Small passenger vehicle and small truck: It will be charged according to the market price for 4-liter unleaded gasoline #95. However, extra 2-liter gasoline will be charged if the small passenger vehicle is appointed to participate in the items appointed by Ministry of Transportation and Communications. It will be waived for those who bring their own vehicles.
    c) Large passenger vehicle and large truck: It will be charged according to the market price for 8-liter premium diesel.
    d) Trailer: It will be charged according to the market price for 10-liter premium diesel.
    5. Notes:
    a. Applicants who register various automobile or motorcycle driving license tests will not be limited by the location of household registration.
    b. The validity of health examination and physical fitness test will be one year after the passing date. It will be invalid if overdue.

  • How can I renew the vehicle registration certificate when it is expired?
    • Hits:17

    Type of vehicle:
    From January 1st, 2013, the following vehicles are exempted from the renewal of the certificate:
    1. Vehicle registration certificate for private automobile except school bus, children-only bus, and ambulance.
    2. Vehicle registration certificate for motorcycles.
    3. Private trailer permit
    B. Required documents:
    1. Vehicle registration certificate.
    2. Compulsory automobile liability insurance certificate (with validity more than 30 days).
    C. Place of application:
    Counters for vehicle certificate renewal at each highway supervision authority or submit the application through internet, phone message, convenience store or by post (should pay for handling charge and postage for registered mail.
    D. Fees:
    E. Notes:
    1. Vehicle registration certificate should be renewed every three years.
    2. Please pay off any outstanding penalty for violation first as well as overdue vehicle license tax and fuel tax (please enclose payment receipt if it has been paid within the past two months). (For vehicle license tax, it is based on advice for payment.)
    3. If the vehicle has not been inspected by the deadline, applicants shall first carry out vehicle inspection.
    4. According to the provision of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act, no vehicle registration certificate will be renewed if the validity of compulsory automobile liability certificate is less than 30 days.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:

  • What can I do if the registration is due to expire, but I have settled all of my creditor’s rights?
    • Hits:16

    According to Article 9 of Personal Property Secured Transaction Act, within 30 days prior to the end of that period, the creditor may apply for an extension of the registration period, which shall be effective from the day following the end of the original registration period. The effective period of an extension of the registration period as stipulated in the preceding paragraph may not exceed one year but there is no limitation on the number of times of extension.
    To deal with the extension registration of movable property as a guarantee on my vehicle, please follow:
    1. Over the counter: Please submit one copy of original registration of creation form (creditor’s copy), one copy of contract, extension registration form in triplicate, and a fee of NT$450 and deal with it over the counter for property secured transaction at the local Motor Vehicles Office.
    2. Online: Creditor (the applicant) shall prepare scanned copies of above documents and apply for it at our online vehicle property secured transaction system. Website:
    ※For application over the counter, please deal with it at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:
    Some of our offices only provide parts of the service items, and please do call the office before visiting.

  • Can people with vocal and speech impairment apply for automobile (motorcycle) driving license?
    • Hits:15

    If the vocal and speech function on people with vocal and speech impairment are totally lost and unable to communicate with people by voice (severe disability), they can only apply for motorcycle driving license and small vehicle driving license.

  • Can I use my own car for general small vehicle driving license test? Is there any limitation on wheelbase?
    • Hits:14

    1.According to Article 66 of Regulations for Road Traffic Safety, “applicants can bring their own vehicles for the field test of motorcycle driving license and general small vehicle driving license and the rest shall be supplied by the highway supervision authority…”; that is, applicants can use their own vehicles for the test.

    2.Wheelbase for general small vehicle used for test: 2.3 meters≦wheelbase≦2.6 meters (reference value). If the vehicle you bring for the test is with wheelbase more than 2.6 meters, you can still use it for test but the difficulty in passing the test will be higher.