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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
  • What procedures are required to apply for vehicle driving license test?
    • Hits:10

    1. Health examination and physical fitness test.
    2. Learner’s permit (not applicable to the advanced test).
    3. Test application (registration).
    4. Written exam (including traffic regulations and mechanical knowledge; exam for mechanical knowledge will be waived for those who apply for general driving license).
    5. Road test.
    6. Collecting your driving license.

  • Does any data show the risk of senior citizens’ driving (accident rate) is getting higher and higher? What are the measures taken by the government?
    • Hits:10

    1. According to the statistics done by National Police Agency, the traffic accidents in A1 category involved with elderly drivers more than 75 years old grew from 97 cases in 2012 to 103 cases in 2016. Take the traffic accident on A1 roads (caused the death of people at site or within 24 hours) in 2016 for an example, the number of deaths was higher in age group of 75-79 and 20-24. The top three violations committed by elderly drivers were “making a turn or changing lane without following the rules”, “running a red light”, and “failing to fasten seat belt or wear helmet according to the rules”.
    2. The further analysis on A1 roads traffic accidents in 2016 revealed the number of drivers between 75 and 80 years old involving automobile accidents was the second highest among all the age groups in terms of the number of driving license holders accounts for in their age group. The number of drivers involving motorcycle accidents accounts for the driving license holders in that age group was the highest among all the age groups. It is obviously that we shall pay more attention on the road safety caused by elderly drivers.
    3. Currently, a policy that encourages the elderly to hand in their driving licenses is in place. From July 2017, a review is carried out on “drivers who are 75 years old after the implementation date” and “drivers who are over 75 years old and involved with violations or license suspension after implementation date”. Other than passing “health examination”, they must pass “cognitive function testing” or submit “certificate of not suffering from moderate dementia or above”.

  • Can the disabled with quadriparesis and physical handicap register automobile (motorcycle) driving license test?
    • Hits:9

    The trunk and limbs are not lacking, but those who suffer from congenital or acquired diseases causing dysfunction (such as incomplete paralysis of the limbs, trunk dysfunction causing difficulty in standing or walking, etc.) are able to move independently after being equipped with assistive devices. Gear-shifted vehicles or specially-made vehicles apply for a small vehicle driving license and a light or ordinary heavy-duty locomotive driving license; applicants for a large-scale heavy-duty locomotive driving license are limited to vehicles with automatic gear shifting or special-made vehicles with modified accelerator and brake systems. However, those who meet one of the following conditions can apply for a locomotive driving license for general motorcycles, or apply for a small car driving license for ordinary cars:

    1.Who can walk independently without assistive equipment or other people’s assistance.

    2.Who can squat down and stand up freely.

    3.Who can operate ordinary vehicles without modification freely.

  • How can I deal with health examination and physical fitness test?
    • Hits:9

    1.Application procedure:

    1)One “automobile (motorcycle) driving license registration form” (health examination form); please fill out the personal information required in the form carefully and paste 2 one-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.

    2)Health examination and physical fitness test shall be done by public hospitals or health authority or the hospitals, clinics, and groups appointed by the highway supervision authority.

    2.Approval standard:

    1)Health examination:

    i.Vision: Naked vision on both eyes is 0.6 or above, and the vision on each eye is 05 or above or vision on both eyes after correction is 0.8 or above, and vision on each eye is 0.6 or above.

    ii.Color vision: Able to distinguish red color, yellow color, and green color.

    iii.Hearing: Able to distinguish sounds.

    iv.Limbs: Healthy without any missing.

    v.Mobility: Nimble body and limb joint movement.

    vi.Disease: No following diseases:

    (1). Epilepsy. However, this restriction does not apply to those who have been issued a diagnosis certificate of no seizures in the last two years or more by a physician in a medical institution.

    (2). There are objective facts sufficient to determine that his physical and mental condition may affect driving, and he has been diagnosed and determined by a specialist physician.

    (3). Other diseases that can affect driving.

    vii.Others: No alcohol, anesthetic and stimulant poisoning.

    2)Physical fitness test:

    i.Left and right visual fields are all above 150 degrees.

    ii.No night blindness.

    3.Validity: Within one year after the examination passing date; it will not be effective if overdue.

    4.Fee: NT$150.

  • What documents should I prepare for the equipment inspection and registration for modifying the vehicle that has been issues license plate with wheelchair area installation?
    • Hits:9

    1. Two registration modification forms.
    2. Vehicle registration certificate.
    3. Compulsory automobile liability insurance certificate with validity more than 30 days when submitting the application.
    4. Original new vehicle license plate registration form.
    5. Vehicles modified (added) wheelchair area installation shall follow the provision of Article 15 in Regulations for Road Traffic Safety as well as submit copy of qualified reviewing report affixed with company seal, qualified inspection records, and unified invoice for modified (additional) equipment.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:

  • How can I apply for re-inspection on the vehicle that fails to pass inspection? Do I need to pay for the inspection fee again?
    • Hits:9

    1. When the inspection is failed, the vehicle should be corrected within one month and apply for re-inspection.
    2. If the re-inspection is carried out within 7 days, no charge will be imposed for the first re-inspection. The re-inspection fee will be imposed for the inspection on and from the 8th day.
    3. Only failed items will be inspected during the re-inspection.

  • How can I apply for reissuance of license plate if my automobile or motorcycle plate is damaged or lost?
    • Hits:9

    Required documents:
    1. Two registration modification forms.
    2. Original copy of vehicle owner’s national I.D. card (or military services I.D. card or alien residence permit) (in individual’s name); official letters issued by the competent authority for the approval of the company’s or establishment’s registration (please enclose registration form if it is a company) or registration certificate issued by the competent authority for the company’s or the establishment’s and seal (in the company’s name).
    3. Seal (only applicable to cross-district application).
    4. Vehicle registration certificate.
    5. Original new license plate registration form.
    6. Compulsory automobile liability insurance certificate (with validity more than 30 days).
    7. Damaged license plate: two plates for automobile, one plate for motorcycles, and two plates for large heavy motorcycles with a cubic capacity exceeding 550 cm3 or proof of the stolen vehicle plate issued by the police (if one plate of the two license plates for automobile or large heavy motorcycles with a cubic capacity exceeding 550 cm3 is lost, please return the other plate).
    B. Place of application:
    Please go to the highway supervision authority to deal with reissuance of vehicle license plate application first before dealing with it at the counter for change.
    C. Fees:
    1. License plate fee: NT$600 for automobile, NT$300 for motorcycles with a cubic capacity not exceeding 550 cm3, and NT$400 for motorcycles with a cubic capacity exceeding 550 cm3.
    2. Please pay for vehicle registration certificate fee if the validity on the certificate is due: NT$200 for automobile.
    3. It is free for real vehicle check, but inspection fee will be required if it is combined with the overdue or due periodic inspection. Inspection fee is NT$600 for large vehicles, NT$450 for small vehicles, and NT$200 for motorcycles.
    D. Notes:
    1. Companies and establishments that submit photocopies of above documents for verification must provide a copy of the latest business tax payment certificate.
    2. Please pay off any outstanding penalty for violation first as well as overdue vehicle license tax and fuel tax (please enclose payment receipt if it has been paid within the past two months).
    3. Other than passing temporary inspection for reissuance of license plate due to damage or loss, periodic inspection shall be carried out at the same time if the vehicle is due or overdue for periodic inspection.
    4. If it is involved with vehicle loan, please submit the consent letter from the creditor.
    5. According to the provision of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act, no vehicle registration certificate will be reissued if the validity of compulsory automobile liability certificate is less than 30 days.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:
    Some of our offices only provide parts of the service items, and please do call the office before visiting.

  • What are the provisions of penalty or relevant regulations for the renewal of trailer permit?
    • Hits:7

    According Article 14 of Regulations for Road Traffic Safety, trailer permit shall be renewed every three years. It will be calculated from the original permit issuing date and the permit must be renewed within one month before or after expiration before it can be used for driving. However, from January 1st, 2013, trailer permit is exempted from renewal.
    According to Article 15 of Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, car owners or users shall be fined from NT$900 to NT$1,800 if they fail to replace vehicle registration certificate when it is expired as well as the license plate will be withheld and they should be ordered for certificate renewal.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:
    Some of our offices only provide parts of the service items, and please do call the office before visiting.

  • How can vehicle owners apply for adding the address for residence and employment?
    • Hits:7

    1. It can be dealt with online, through counter or by post:
    1) Online: Please visit and register as our member. After becoming our formal member, you can change the information online.
    2) Through counter: Please fill in the application form “adding residence and employment address” at the highway supervision authority in person or entrusted a third party to handle it (will need to verify dual I.D. from vehicle owner and I.D. from the entrusted person).
    3) By post: You can also mail, fax, or email and follow the format to apply to the highway supervision authority. Please enclose the copy of front side and back side of the I.D. car and the inner side of vehicle registration certificate for us to verify the vehicle registration.
    2. After completing adding residence or employment address, the convenience service notices from the highway supervision authority as well as the delivery of administrative documents for Highway Act, Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, and Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act will be posted to the residence or employment address.
    ※ For application through counter, please deal with it at business counter at each Motor Vehicles Office, and the address can be found from the following website:

  • What is non-commercial small passenger vehicle with installation of wheelchair area?
    • Hits:7

    Non-commercial small passenger vehicle with installation of wheelchair area refers to the private small passenger vehicle that is for personal use, and it does not include the vehicle with wheelchair area for unspecified people to use provided by rehabilitation bus, social welfare groups, and medical care institutions.