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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
  • What are the details of “one-time penalty?
    • Hits:37

    When any car/motorcycle or its driver has been reported for violation of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, if the vehicle owner or driver fails to pay the fines automatically or appear for the adjudication decision by the deadline of his/her required appearance, the penalizing authority will directly issue an adjudication decision pursuant to the list of criteria within 3 months. If the penalty requires the suspension of a vehicle or driver’s license, a double penalty will be imposed based on the period of suspension. In the event of failure to hand over the vehicle or driver’s license by deadline, the vehicle or driver’s license will be revoked. Any case of failure to pay fines will be referred to the court for enforcement, and the relevant schedule will be indicated in any adjudication decision to be delivered to the person penalized. The above are the details of “one-time penalty.

  • How can I apply for the reissuance of new vehicle license plate registration form?
    • Hits:37

    Required documents:
    1. Original copy of vehicle owner’s national I.D. card (or military services I.D. card or alien residence permit) (in individual’s name); official letters issued by the competent authority for the approval of the company’s or establishment’s registration (please enclose registration form if it is a company) or registration certificate issued by the competent authority for the company’s or the establishment’s (in the company’s name).
    2. Seal (only applicable to cross-district application).
    3. Vehicle registration certificate.
    B. Place of application:
    Please deal with it at the counter for change in the highway supervision authority.
    C. Fees:
    NT$15 for the photocopy of new vehicle license plate registration form.
    D. Notes:
    1. Companies and establishments that submit photocopies of above documents for verification must provide a copy of the latest business tax payment certificate.
    2. If only applying for the reissuance of “vehicle license plate registration form” without any other change registration, the violation of license plate tax and fuel tax will not be verified.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:

  • After I have received an adjudication decision, if I have objections to the penalty imposed by the competent authority, what should I do?
    • Hits:36

    Initiate a proceeding at the administrative division of the district court in the place of the plaintiff’s domicile, residence or location, the place of violation or the place where the original agency imposing penalties is located within a fixed period of 30 days following receipt of the adjudication decision. For each proceeding initiated in relation to a case of traffic adjudication, the competent court will charge an adjudication fee of NT$300.

  • What is the standard of land value compensation on the land expropriated?
    • Hits:35

    According to Article 30 of Land Expropriation Act, the value of expropriated land shall be compensated based on its current market value. The value of land reserved for public facilities in the urban planning area shall be compensated based on the average market value of its adjoining lands not reserved for public facilities. The market value referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be forwarded by the municipal or county (city) competent authority to the Land Value Evaluation Committee for determination. Municipal or county (city) competent authorities should constantly survey the market values within their jurisdiction and ask its Land Value Evaluation Committee to determine the extent of change in the market values of expropriated lands once every six months as basis for adjusting the compensation for expropriation.

  • How is the purchased price through negotiation on the land determined?
    • Hits:34

    In terms of the purchased price through negotiation, according to Article 11 of
    Land Expropriation Act, the purchased price shall be negotiated with the owner in market price. In addition, according to the official letter published by Ministry of the Interior, the so-called market price refers to the normal transaction price. The information of the market price shall be referred to the public information disclosed by the government or the relevant information provided by real estate agency industry or the investigation done by a real estate appraiser.

    The market price we used for acquisition agreement is determined after comprehensively evaluating and analyzing the relevant public information disclosed by the government and the market price provided by local Department of Land or local Land Office or the investigation done by a real estate appraiser.

  • What is the punishment on the vehicle with overdue and unpaid tax when it is found after overdue?
    • Hits:34

    According to the provision of Article 28-1 in Vehicle License Tax Act, where it is discovered that a vehicle charged with unpaid tax continues to be driven on public roads or rivers, the tax collection authority shall order its owner or user to pay the tax due plus a fine no more than one times the amount of tax owed and shall not impose the surcharge of described in Article 25.

  • How can I handle my overdue reviewing on the professional driving license?
    • Hits:33

    The reviewing can be applied for if the overdue on the professional driving license is within one month. A fine of NT$300 will be imposed for overdue more than one month and less than one year. Professional driving license will be revoked if the overdue is more than one year, but drivers can change the license to ordinary driving license. No driving is allowed before the application of ordinary driving license with the revoked professional driving license.

  • Do drivers who have already been 75 years old before implementation date (born before June 30th, 1942 (included)) require license renewal?
    • Hits:31

    No, and the driving license can continue being used without renewal. However, drivers who are involved with violation or license suspension after the implementation date (July 1st, 2017) must complete license renewal within three months after receiving the notice.

  • What is the regulation for the frequency of automobile periodic inspection?
    • Hits:29

    1. Private small vehicles (except LPG cars and leased cars) will be exempted from inspection for the first five years after being issued license plate. One inspection every year will be required between 5 and 10 years, and two inspections will be required for more than 10 years.
    2. Commercial large passenger vehicles or high-pressure tank vehicles that have been manufactured for more than 10 years must be carried out at least 3 inspections every year.
    3. One inspection every year for trailers.
    4. Other vehicles that were manufactured less than 5 years will need to be inspected once every year and twice every year for vehicles more than 5 years.

  • How will you handle the houses and lands under your management occupied by private persons?
    • Hits:29

    It will be handled as below if any situation of occupation is found.
    1. Coordinating with the occupier to return the property in its original state.
    2. If there is any violation on the relevant laws or use control involved, the relevant competent authority shall be notified and shall coordinate according to legal regulations.
    3. It shall be filed for civil action to solve the issue.
    4. According to Article 320 and Article 349 of Criminal Code, it can request local police administration for investigation or directly file a lawsuit to the prosecutor's office. If the situation of occupation affects national security or public security, it shall be brought to justice in priority.
    5. Other proper handling methods for occupation removal.