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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
  • How can I exchange the professional vehicle driving license for ordinary vehicle driving license?
    • Hits:179

    1. Required documents:
    1) Original copy of national I.D. card or one photocopy of front side and back side of the I.D. card.
    2) The obtained professional driving license.
    3) Two 2-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.
    4) One “ordinary vehicle driving license registration form”.
    2. Application procedure:
    1) One “ordinary vehicle driving license registration form”.
    2) If the professional vehicle driving license is due for reviewing and is revoked for ordinary vehicle driving license, health examination can be waived.
    3) If the professional vehicle driving license is overdue but the overdue is less than one year, no need to submit health examination. The general driving license will be issued after paying off the fines.
    4) Bring all the other required documents to the service desk at highway supervision authority; take a number and wait for your turn.
    3. Fee: NT$200
    4. Notes:
    1) If the professional vehicle driving license is overdue to reviewing for more than one year and the driving license is revoked, applicants can apply for ordinary vehicle driving license in the same type of vehicle with the experience in professional driving.
    2) For exchanging professional driving license for ordinary driving license, the license will be issued without reviewing procedure if the professional driving license is within the reviewing date. If it is over the appointed reviewing date but less than one year and is not involved with any reviewing extension specified on Article 54 of Regulations for Road Traffic Safety, a fine of NT$300 will be imposed without needing reviewing application. The ordinary driving license will be issued after paying off the fine.

  • How I can exchange the domestic driving license for international driving permit?
    • Hits:81

    Required documents:
    1. Original copy of national I.D. card or alien residence permit.
    2. Original copy of the obtained driving license (within expiration or reviewing before overdue).
    3. Copy of passport (or name in English provided; it has to be the same as that on the passport).
    4. Two 2-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.
    5. Driving license fee: NT$250.

  • Can people with hearing impairment apply for automobile (motorcycle) driving license?
    • Hits:77

    If the hearing loss on the better ear after correction is 90 dB or above for those who have hearing impairment, they can only apply for motorcycle driving license and small vehicle driving license.

  • What are notes for foreigners registering the test of driving license in our country?
    • Hits:68

    1.Applying for learner’s permit (not applicable to driving license for motorcycle).

    1)Identity documents (foreigners and people from Mainland China area, Hong Kong or Macau should submit staying permit or residence permit for more than 6 months).

    2)Three one-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.

    3)One driving license registration form with qualified health examination and physical fitness test.

    i.Please go to public hospitals, public health centers, or hospitals, clinics and groups entrusted by motor vehicles offices for health examination and physical fitness test.

    ii.The result of health examination will be valid for one year.

    4)Fee: NT$100

    5)Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

    2.Automobile driving license test registration.

    1)Required documents:

    i.Identity documents (foreigners and people from Mainland China area, Hong Kong or Macau should submit staying permit or residence permit for more than 6 months).

    ii.Learner’s permit (experience in learning to drive for more than 3 months).

    iii.Three one-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.

    iv.One driving license registration form with qualified health examination and physical fitness test.

    v.Registration fee: NT$450

    Driving license fee: NT$200


    i.Applicants who apply for general driving license test must be at least 18 years old (other than foreign spouses, foreigners are forbidden to apply for professional driving license).

    ii.Driving license will only be issued after passing both written exam and road test. For those who fail written exam or road test, they have to wait for 7 days before submitting the application again.

    iii.The results of health examination and written exam will be valid for one year.

    3.Motorcycle driving license test registration.

    1)Required documents:

    i.Identity documents (foreigners and people from Mainland China area, Hong Kong or Macau should submit staying permit or residence permit for more than 6 months).

    ii.Three one-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.

    iii.One driving license registration form with qualified health examination and physical fitness test.

    iv.Registration fee: NT$250

    Driving license fee: NT$200


    i.Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

    ii.Drivers who have granted vehicle driving license can ride light motorcycle.

    iii.Driving license will only be issued after passing both written exam and road test.

    a)Drivers with valid  light motorcycle driving license can be exempted from written exam when they apply for general heavy motorcycle driving license (with a cubic capacity exceeding 50 cm³ and less than 250 cm³).

    b)To register large heavy motorcycle (with a cubic capacity exceeding 250 cm³) driving license test, applicants must be at least 20 years old, completing the training at a legal driving training institution, and pass physical fitness test.

    iv.For those who fail written exam or road test, they have to wait for 7 days before submitting the application again.

    v.The results of health examination and written exam will be valid for one year.

  • How I can exchange overseas driving license for domestic driving license?
    • Hits:57

    For non-R.O.C. nationals, it shall be handled according to the principles of equality and mutual benefit.
    1. Required documents: It shall be applied for within one year after entry date.
    1) Identity documents (original copy and photocopy).
    2) Entry and exit record.
    a. Nationals with R.O.C. household registration in the Taiwan area should submit national I.D. card or military I.D. card.
    b. People who hold formal driving licenses issued by foreign government, in Mainland China area, Hong Kong or Macau and have obtained staying permit or residence permit for more than 6 months.
    3) Three one-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.
    4) Original copy and photocopy of the passport.
    5) Original copy and photocopy of official and valid foreign driving license.
    6) Automobile (motorcycle) driving license registration form with qualified health examination sheet.
    2. Fee:
    Driving license fee: NT$200.
    3. Notes:
    1) If the driving license is in a foreign language except English, a copy of translation in Chinese shall be provided and it must be verified by our embassy, representative office, the office or by domestic public notary.
    2) Driving licenses issued in Mainland China area shall be verified by the institutions established or appointed by Executive Yuan or private groups entrusted. After passing written exam, people from Mainland China could apply for the driving license in our country.
    3) Driving licenses issued in Hong Kong or Macau should be verified by the institutions established or appointed in Hong Kong or Macau by Executive Yuan or private groups entrusted.
    4) Driving licenses issued by other countries or regions shall be verified by our embassies, representative offices, offices, or other institutions authorized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or foreign institutions in Taiwan that are authorized by foreign embassies in Taiwan, foreign governments or regions and agreed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs in our country for handling the business of document verification.
    5) According to the official letter from Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the principles of handling the exchange of motorcycle driving licenses issued by the governments in our reciprocal countries for the motorcycle driving license in our country are “if the driving license issuing country does not handle it according to the level of engine displacement or horsepower, it can be exchanged to the general heavy motorcycle driving license in our country based on the above regulations. If a driving training certificate on large heavy motorcycle for more than 32 hours but less than 43 hours is provided, a driving license for large heavy motorcycle with a cubic capacity not exceeding 550 cm³ will be issued. However, a driving license for large heavy motorcycle with a cubic capacity exceeding 550 cm³ will be issued if a driving training certificate on large heavy motorcycle for more than 43 hours is provided.

  • Can I apply for light motorcycle driving license when I am 16 years old?
    • Hits:48

    According to Article 60.1.1 of Regulations for Road Traffic Safety, applicants who apply for ordinary driving license or motorcycle driving license must be at least 18 years old. Currently, there is no regulation about lowering the limitation on age.

  • Will my driving license be still valid if I fail to renew it before expiration?
    • Hits:41

    1. Since July 1st, 2013, the various ordinary driving license and motorcycle driving license that are newly issued or have granted will be exempted from license renewal except the situations mentioned on the next paragraph. Driving license will still be valid for driving after expiration.
    2. Professional drivers, foreigners who have not obtain alien residence permit, people from Mainland China, residences in Hong Kong or Macau or nationals with no household registration in the Taiwan area who obtain driving license in our country, and those who are punished permanently prohibited from driving license test apply for re-test and obtain one-year driving license shall maintain the regulation of periodic renewal. They should apply for renewal before expiration. According to Article 22.1.6 of Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, drivers who drive with overdue driving license will be fined NT$1800~NT$3600 and shall be forbidden from driving.

  • How can driver add the address for residence and employment?
    • Hits:39

    1. It can be handled online, at the counter, and by post:
    1) Online: Please visit, register as a member and upgrade to formal member before you can deal with information change on line.
    2) At the counter: Please fill out “adding residence and employment” application at the highway supervision authority. It can be submitted in person or by an entrusted person (driver’s dual certificates and the identity of the entrusted person will be verified).
    3) By post: The application can be submitted through mail, fax, and email. Please enclose the photocopy of front side and back side of I.D. card and driving license for verification of driving license registration.
    2. After adding the address of residence or employment, the highway supervision authority will use the residence or employment address to deliver various notices of convenience service and legal administrative documents issued according to Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act.

  • What kind of condition is applicable for applicants to require oral test replacing written exam during the automobile (motorcycle) driving license test?
    • Hits:38

    Written exam can be replaced with oral test. If the applicants are deaf-mutes, sign language can be used instead.

  • How can I handle my overdue reviewing on the professional driving license?
    • Hits:33

    The reviewing can be applied for if the overdue on the professional driving license is within one month. A fine of NT$300 will be imposed for overdue more than one month and less than one year. Professional driving license will be revoked if the overdue is more than one year, but drivers can change the license to ordinary driving license. No driving is allowed before the application of ordinary driving license with the revoked professional driving license.