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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
  • What are the provisions of penalty or relevant regulations for the renewal of trailer permit?
    • Hits:7

    According Article 14 of Regulations for Road Traffic Safety, trailer permit shall be renewed every three years. It will be calculated from the original permit issuing date and the permit must be renewed within one month before or after expiration before it can be used for driving. However, from January 1st, 2013, trailer permit is exempted from renewal.
    According to Article 15 of Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, car owners or users shall be fined from NT$900 to NT$1,800 if they fail to replace vehicle registration certificate when it is expired as well as the license plate will be withheld and they should be ordered for certificate renewal.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:
    Some of our offices only provide parts of the service items, and please do call the office before visiting.

  • How can vehicle owners apply for adding the address for residence and employment?
    • Hits:7

    1. It can be dealt with online, through counter or by post:
    1) Online: Please visit and register as our member. After becoming our formal member, you can change the information online.
    2) Through counter: Please fill in the application form “adding residence and employment address” at the highway supervision authority in person or entrusted a third party to handle it (will need to verify dual I.D. from vehicle owner and I.D. from the entrusted person).
    3) By post: You can also mail, fax, or email and follow the format to apply to the highway supervision authority. Please enclose the copy of front side and back side of the I.D. car and the inner side of vehicle registration certificate for us to verify the vehicle registration.
    2. After completing adding residence or employment address, the convenience service notices from the highway supervision authority as well as the delivery of administrative documents for Highway Act, Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, and Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act will be posted to the residence or employment address.
    ※ For application through counter, please deal with it at business counter at each Motor Vehicles Office, and the address can be found from the following website:

  • What is non-commercial small passenger vehicle with installation of wheelchair area?
    • Hits:7

    Non-commercial small passenger vehicle with installation of wheelchair area refers to the private small passenger vehicle that is for personal use, and it does not include the vehicle with wheelchair area for unspecified people to use provided by rehabilitation bus, social welfare groups, and medical care institutions.

  • How can I apply for temporary vehicle license plate?
    • Hits:7

    A. Required documents:
    1. New vehicles:
    Original copy of vehicle owner’s national I.D. card (or military services I.D. card or alien residence permit) (in individual’s name); official letters issued by the competent authority for the approval of the company’s or establishment’s registration (please enclose registration form if it is a company) or registration certificate (in the company’s or establishment’s name) issued by the competent authority for the company’s or the establishment’s, manufacturer certificate, customs import certificate (imported new vehicles), commodity tax payment certificate or tax exemption, unified invoice (remarked with engine number or vehicle identification number), and valid compulsory automobile liability insurance certificate. The application shall be carried out at the counter for vehicle new license plate at each highway supervision authority.
    2. Old vehicles:
    Original copy of vehicle owner’s national I.D. card (in individual’s name); official letters issued by the competent authority for the approval of the company’s or establishment’s registration (please enclose registration form if it is a company) or registration certificate (in the company’s or establishment’s name) issued by the competent authority for the company’s or the establishment’s, original vehicle new license plate registration form, registration modification form for hand in for cancellation, revocation, or suspension of use (for issuance of license plate that is with hand in for cancellation, revocation or suspension of use), and valid compulsory automobile liability insurance certificate. The application shall be carried out at the counter for vehicle new license plate at each highway supervision authority.
    B. Fees: Temporary license plate fee: NT$150; vehicle registration certificate fee: NT$200 for automobile, NT$150 for motorcycles, and NT$200 for trailers.
    C. Notes:
    1. Companies and establishments that submit photocopies of above documents for verification must provide a copy of the latest business tax payment certificate.
    2. When the use of temporary license plate is expired, the plate shall be revoked at the highway supervision authority.
    3. Vehicles with temporary license plate must not carry passenger and cargos and charge for business.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:
    Some of our offices only provide parts of the service items, and please do call the office before visiting.

  • How can I register on the vehicle registration certificate for the non-commercial passenger vehicle with wheelchair area installation as well as lifting device?
    • Hits:6

    Text “wheelchair area Private Wheelchair lifting” shall be remarked on the column of “Type of vehicle and additional equipment” on the vehicle registration certificate.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:

  • What will need to be verified when modifying wheelchair area installation?
    • Hits:6

    Manufacturer and specification at each component will be verified according to the qualified reviewing report and inspection record done by the professional technical research institution.

  • Can I install side-facing seats in the space next to wheelchair area inside the vehicle with wheelchair area installation?
    • Hits:4

    Yes. Seats facing side can be modified and installed next to the wheelchair area, but the safety belt and the material used for seat must meet the regulations of vehicle safety testing.

  • How can I register on the vehicle registration certificate for the vehicle with wheelchair area installation as well as ramp?
    • Hits:4

    Text “wheelchair area Ramp” shall be remarked on the column of “Type of vehicle and additional equipment” on the vehicle registration certificate.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:

  • What are the provisions of penalty or relevant regulations for the renewal of vehicle registration certificate?
    • Hits:4

    According Article 14 of Regulations for Road Traffic Safety, vehicle registration certificate shall be renewed every three years. It will be calculated from the original certificate issuing date and the certificate must be renewed within one month before or after expiration before the vehicle can be used for driving. However, from January 1st, 2013, vehicle registration certificate for automobile, except school bus, children-only bus and ambulance, are exempted from renewal.
    According to Article 15 of Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, car owners or users shall be fined from NT$900 to NT$1,800 if they fail to replace vehicle registration certificate when it is expired as well as the license plate will be withheld and they should be ordered for certificate renewal.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website:

  • I want to apply for a private vehicle with wheelchair area. How can I submit the application?
    • Hits:4

    For those who apply for wheelchair area installation or apply for the modification of swivel chair from January 1st, 2013, they should follow the provision in “Safety reviewing and inspection guidance for vehicle modified with wheelchair area installation or swivel seat model”. The registration modification can be applied for at the highway supervision authority by submitting qualified inspection report affixed with company seal issued by professional vehicle technical research institution, qualified inspection record and unified invoice for modification (with license plate number) issued by legal company as well as pass inspection at the highway supervision authority.
    ※Please deal with above business at business counter at the Motor Vehicles Office at your local area, and the address can be found from the following website: