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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
  • How can I apply for the change of address on the driving license?
    • Hits:10

    1. Required documents:
    1) Original copy of national I.D. card or household registration certificate (plus other photo identity documents, such national health insurance card, passport, military I.D. card or driving license) or original copy of alien residence permit.
    2) The obtained original copy of driving license.
    3) For change application by post, please provide one photocopy of front side and back side of driving license for the supervision authority to write down the new address according to I.D. provided on the column of “address change” on the photocopy of the driving license.
    2. Bring all the required documents to the service desk at the highway supervision authority, pick up a number and wait for your turn, or submit the application by post.
    3. Notes:
    1) Please pay off the fines if there is any violation of road traffic management.
    2) License renewal will be required if the column of “address change” on the back of the driving license is full and please pay NT$50. An additional fee of NT$200 for license renewal will be imposed if the driving license is due.

  • What procedures are required to apply for vehicle driving license test?
    • Hits:10

    1. Health examination and physical fitness test.
    2. Learner’s permit (not applicable to the advanced test).
    3. Test application (registration).
    4. Written exam (including traffic regulations and mechanical knowledge; exam for mechanical knowledge will be waived for those who apply for general driving license).
    5. Road test.
    6. Collecting your driving license.

  • Can the disabled with quadriparesis and physical handicap register automobile (motorcycle) driving license test?
    • Hits:9

    The trunk and limbs are not lacking, but those who suffer from congenital or acquired diseases causing dysfunction (such as incomplete paralysis of the limbs, trunk dysfunction causing difficulty in standing or walking, etc.) are able to move independently after being equipped with assistive devices. Gear-shifted vehicles or specially-made vehicles apply for a small vehicle driving license and a light or ordinary heavy-duty locomotive driving license; applicants for a large-scale heavy-duty locomotive driving license are limited to vehicles with automatic gear shifting or special-made vehicles with modified accelerator and brake systems. However, those who meet one of the following conditions can apply for a locomotive driving license for general motorcycles, or apply for a small car driving license for ordinary cars:

    1.Who can walk independently without assistive equipment or other people’s assistance.

    2.Who can squat down and stand up freely.

    3.Who can operate ordinary vehicles without modification freely.

  • How can I deal with health examination and physical fitness test?
    • Hits:9

    1.Application procedure:

    1)One “automobile (motorcycle) driving license registration form” (health examination form); please fill out the personal information required in the form carefully and paste 2 one-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.

    2)Health examination and physical fitness test shall be done by public hospitals or health authority or the hospitals, clinics, and groups appointed by the highway supervision authority.

    2.Approval standard:

    1)Health examination:

    i.Vision: Naked vision on both eyes is 0.6 or above, and the vision on each eye is 05 or above or vision on both eyes after correction is 0.8 or above, and vision on each eye is 0.6 or above.

    ii.Color vision: Able to distinguish red color, yellow color, and green color.

    iii.Hearing: Able to distinguish sounds.

    iv.Limbs: Healthy without any missing.

    v.Mobility: Nimble body and limb joint movement.

    vi.Disease: No following diseases:

    (1). Epilepsy. However, this restriction does not apply to those who have been issued a diagnosis certificate of no seizures in the last two years or more by a physician in a medical institution.

    (2). There are objective facts sufficient to determine that his physical and mental condition may affect driving, and he has been diagnosed and determined by a specialist physician.

    (3). Other diseases that can affect driving.

    vii.Others: No alcohol, anesthetic and stimulant poisoning.

    2)Physical fitness test:

    i.Left and right visual fields are all above 150 degrees.

    ii.No night blindness.

    3.Validity: Within one year after the examination passing date; it will not be effective if overdue.

    4.Fee: NT$150.

  • Is there any remark on the driving license after applicants with disability pass the driving license test in automatic transmission cars or customized cars?
    • Hits:7

    It will be remarked on the column of license holding condition on the driving license according to the examination record from the disability assessment team.

  • How can I extend my professional automobile driving license when I am 60 years old?
    • Hits:7

    1. Required documents:
    1) Original driving license.
    2) Original I.D. card or one photocopy of front side and back side of I.D. card.
    3) Three one-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.
    4) Qualified “health examination form for professional automobile drivers over 60 years old” issued by hospitals approved by the central health competent authority.
    2. Fee: NT$200.
    3. Notes: Professional drivers who are 60 years old can renew the license with validity of one year until 65 years old if passing health examination according to Article 64-1 of Regulations for Road Traffic Safety. Professional drivers who are more than 65 years old can renew the license with small vehicle professional driving license of one-year validity if the driver is not punished with license withdrawal or suspension in the previous year and have passed health examination according to Article 64-1 of Regulations for Road Traffic Safety; until 68 years old.

  • How can I apply for reissuance of a lost or damaged automobile (motorcycle) driving license?
    • Hits:7

    1. Required documents:
    1) Any of the following identity documents (original copy): National I.D. card, military I.D. card, alien residence permit, or another valid driving license.
    2) Damaged driving license (not applicable to the lost).
    3) Two 2-inch color photos with glossy single-color background, without wearing hat, with clear facial features, bust shot, and were taken within past 2 years. Do not use image synthesis.
    4) One automobile (motorcycle) driver reviewing and change registration form.
    2. Fee: Driving license fee: NT$200.
    3. Notes:
    1) Please pay off any outstanding fine for violations or road safety seminar penalties before applying for license reissuance.
    2) If the professional driving license is due for the date of reviewing, please deal with the driving license reviewing at the same time.
    3) If it is entrusted to other person to submit the application, the entrusted person should bring the original copy of national I.D. card for verification.

  • Can applicants who have missing limbs but are able to grip the handle after fitting prosthetic implant register automobile (motorcycle) driving license test?
    • Hits:7

    Applicants with one missing limb but are able to operate steering wheel freely after fitting assistive equipment can register light or general heavy motorcycle driving license test with automatic transmission cars or customized cars. Please comply with the following rules when registering small vehicle driving license test:
    1. Applicants with missing left hand or missing right hand and are able to deal with daily affairs independently without external force after fitting assistive equipment shall register license test in automatic transmission cars with a cramp ring mounted on the steering wheel.
    2. Applicants with missing left lower limb but healthy right lower limb and are able to move independently without external force after fitting assistive equipment shall register license test with automatic transmission cars.
    3. Applicants with missing left lower limb and functional disability on the right lower limb and are able to move independently without external force after fitting assistive equipment shall register license test with customized cars.
    4. Applicants with missing right lower limb but healthy left lower limb or functional disability and are able to move independently without external force after fitting assistive equipment shall register license test with customized cars.
    5. Applicants with other missing limbs and are able to move independently without external force after fitting assistive equipment shall register license test with customized cars.
    Applicants with missing limbs specified on paragraph 1 to 4 above and are granted general small vehicle driving license for more than 3 months can register small commercial vehicle driving license test.

  • How can I apply for professional driving license with my driving license for general small vehicle?
    • Hits:6

    Applicants who would like to register for small vehicle professional driving license shall obtain small vehicle general driving license for more than 3 months, at least 20 years old, and must sit for the written exam for professional driving license (mechanical knowledge). After passing the written exam, they should participate in road test (driving forward and backward on a curving road & turning round in a curved alley). For those who use automatic transmission cars for test, they should be tested hill start and 7)Stable gear changing test.

  • How can I deal with reviewing on my professional vehicle driving license?
    • Hits:6

    1. Required documents:
    1) Original copy of national I.D. card or one photocopy of front side and back side of the I.D. card.
    2) The obtained driving license.
    3) One qualified health examination form (only valid within three months; it shall be done by public hospitals or the hospitals, clinics, and groups appointed by health authority or supervision authority).
    2. Application procedure:
    Please go to public hospitals or health authority or the hospitals, clinics, and groups appointed by the highway supervision authority for health examination first. After passing the examination, please bring all the required documents to the counter for driver management at the highway supervision authority.
    3. Notes:
    1) Please pay off the fine if there is any violation of road traffic management.
    2) Drivers who hold professional vehicle driving license should apply for reviewing every three years from the certificate-issuing date. A fine of NT$300~NT$600 will be imposed for overdue more than one month; the driving license will be revoked if the overdue is more than one year. The driving license revoked due to overdue can be exchanged for ordinary driving license for the same type of vehicles.