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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
  • Does any other country also use similar cognitive function testing to monitor elderly drivers’ driving licenses?
    • Hits:11

    Yes. Japan has fast and serious population aging issue. In 2014, the ratio of the elderly causing accidents was enhanced to 20.4% and drivers over 65 years old accounted for 1/5 of the accidents. In order to reduce the driving risk of the elderly, Japan started to implement seminar preparation check on drivers more than 75 years old who apply for license renewal, specifically cognitive function testing.

  • Does any data show the risk of senior citizens’ driving (accident rate) is getting higher and higher? What are the measures taken by the government?
    • Hits:10

    1. According to the statistics done by National Police Agency, the traffic accidents in A1 category involved with elderly drivers more than 75 years old grew from 97 cases in 2012 to 103 cases in 2016. Take the traffic accident on A1 roads (caused the death of people at site or within 24 hours) in 2016 for an example, the number of deaths was higher in age group of 75-79 and 20-24. The top three violations committed by elderly drivers were “making a turn or changing lane without following the rules”, “running a red light”, and “failing to fasten seat belt or wear helmet according to the rules”.
    2. The further analysis on A1 roads traffic accidents in 2016 revealed the number of drivers between 75 and 80 years old involving automobile accidents was the second highest among all the age groups in terms of the number of driving license holders accounts for in their age group. The number of drivers involving motorcycle accidents accounts for the driving license holders in that age group was the highest among all the age groups. It is obviously that we shall pay more attention on the road safety caused by elderly drivers.
    3. Currently, a policy that encourages the elderly to hand in their driving licenses is in place. From July 2017, a review is carried out on “drivers who are 75 years old after the implementation date” and “drivers who are over 75 years old and involved with violations or license suspension after implementation date”. Other than passing “health examination”, they must pass “cognitive function testing” or submit “certificate of not suffering from moderate dementia or above”.