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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
  • What are the contents related to the elderly health examination and cognitive function testing in the current plan?
    • Hits:52

    There should be a reviewing standard for driving license in place to evaluate whether the elderly’s physical or mental conditions are suitable for driving or riding. Therefore, health examination and cognitive function testing will be carried out.
    1. Health examination: It includes visual test, color vision, hearing, and mobility on arms and legs; all shall meet the regulations.
    2. Cognitive function testing: It is used to understand drivers’ three abilities and the testing procedures are as below:
    Procedure 1: Correct cognitive ability towards time; answer the day, date, month, and year of the testing date as well as the testing location. There are five questions; to pass the test, more than 4 correct answers are required.
    Procedure 2: Short-term memory and thinking ability
    □ The applicant will be shown 10 images and the examiner will read out the name of each image one after another.
    □ Put away the images and wait for 2 minutes.
    □ The applicant will be asked to state the names of the images shown. It doesn’t need to be in particular order.
    □ To pass the test, at least names of three images should be given.
    Procedure 3: Test on judgment and ability of working hands and minds together; draw the appointed time on the clock. There are 7 items for assessment. To pass the test, the applicant shall obtain more than 4 points.
    ※Procedure 1 and 2 will be answered by the applicant orally and the examiner will record the answer given by the applicant. Procedure 3 shall be drawn by the applicant. To pass the cognitive function testing, it required to pass all of the three tests above. The total testing time will be less than 30 minutes.

  • The current applicable objects for the elderly drivers’ driving license management system are the drivers more than 75 years old. How is it defined?
    • Hits:51

    1. According to the statistics done by National Police Agency:
    1) A1 accidents (causing death at site or within 24 hours) between 2009 and 2013: Seniors more than 70 years old occupied the highest proportion among the age groups of the death.
    2) A2 accidents (causing injury or death after 24 hours) in 2014: Drivers between 75 years old and 80 years old occupied the highest proportion.
    2. The prevalence rate of dementia according to the statistics done by Taiwan Alzheimer's Disease Association:
    1) 3.4% for age group between 65 and 69 years old, 3.46% for the age group between 70 and 74 years old, and 7.10% for the age group between 75 and 79 years old.
    2) The prevalence rate of dementia at 75 years old is around 2 times of that at 65 years old.
    3. Regulations of driving license management in the advanced countries and nearby countries: The ages defined in the driving license management for elderly drivers in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, U.S.A, and Canada vary among 65, 79, 75 and 80 years old. In Japan, drivers over 75 years old will have to participate in cognitive function testing.
    4. Highway Bureau invited medical circles, traffic safety experts, and scholars to hold 4 sessions of national public hearings for discussion. With the research, analysis and suggestions done by Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, the final conclusion for the objects are drivers at 75 years old or above.

  • Do drivers who are 75 years old after implementation date (born after July 1st, 1942 (included)) require license renewal?
    • Hits:44

    Yes. After receiving the notice, please complete the initial license renewal according to the rules before 78 years old. However, if there is any violation or license suspension involved before completing the license renewal, please complete license renewal within three months after receiving the notice.

  • How will the driving license management system for elderly drivers be implemented?
    • Hits:39

    1. The objects for the elderly drivers’ driving license management system are the “drivers who are 75 years old after implementation” and the“drivers who are more than 75 years old and involved with violations or license suspension after implementation date”. Other than passing health examination as one of the reviewing method, drivers also need to pass “cognitive function testing” or submit “certificate of not suffering from moderate dementia or above” before they are allowed to renew a driving license for automobile (motorcycle) with a validity of three years.
    2. For those who failed to pass health examination or cognitive function testing, it means that there will be concern on road safety due to physical and mental conditions of the drivers’ and therefore, the driving license will not be renewed.
    3. If drivers over 75 years old fail to deal with license renewal according to the regulations and are stopped and reporter by the police, a fine of NT$1800~3600 will be imposed due to driving with overdue driving license according to Article 22 of Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. Drivers will then be forbidden from driving and the license will be withheld.

  • Do drivers who have already been 75 years old before implementation date (born before June 30th, 1942 (included)) require license renewal?
    • Hits:31

    No, and the driving license can continue being used without renewal. However, drivers who are involved with violation or license suspension after the implementation date (July 1st, 2017) must complete license renewal within three months after receiving the notice.

  • Are there package proposals for driving license management system on elderly drivers in terms of the traffic inconvenience in rural areas?
    • Hits:24

    1. In the future, the driving license management system on elderly drivers will have certain impact on senior citizens’ motorcycle riding or automobile driving, especially those who live in rural areas. Therefore, Highway Bureau, MOTC will continue promoting the subsidy programs for the rural route with operational loss to maintain the demand for those who require long-distance journey.
    2. In terms of the location with insufficient traffic volume, Highway Bureau will continue promoting demand responsive transportation system (DRTS) operational mode for rural areas to enhance the load factor and reduce the operational cost.
    3. We expect the new public transportation operational mode will be able to allow residents, elderly, and students in rural areas to move freely and with dignity even though they cannot drive or ride.

  • What is the reason of planning the driving license management system for elderly drivers?
    • Hits:22

    1. Along with the increase of the age, we can feel the aging on our body. The declining of cognitive and movement functions is the natural phenomenon of physical function, including the delay of reaction time, the slowing down of overall action, the declining perception-action presentation, cognition changes in concentration and identification, and visual changes.
    2. Executive Yuan estimates that the population of the elderly over 65 years old in Taiwan will be more than 14% of total population in 2018 and over 20% in 2025. How to obtain the balance between the elderly’s driving rights and the road traffic safety is a topic that cannot be ignored by the government.
    3. Ministry of Transportation and Communications referred to the approaches used by the nearby countries and started to developed management system for elderly drivers since 2013. After holding public hearings and experts and academic meetings through Highway Bureau, it reached the final conclusion that the applicable objects of the elderly drivers’ management system are “drivers who are 75 years old after implementation date” and “drivers who are more than 75 years old and involved with violations or license suspension after the implementation date”. The reviewing cycle will be every three years for license renewal.

  • Will the government carry out any new measure on the management of other drivers while there is a significant change on driving license management system for elderly drivers?
    • Hits:22

    The government not only carries out management on elderly drivers but also implements significant change on the management towards other drivers:
    1. From November 2014, applicants who apply for motorcycle driving license for the first time must participate in the initial motorcycle driving license safe driving seminar.
    2. From June 2015, the difficulty on exam questions for motorcycle driving license test has been increased.
    3. From March 2017, the hours for drunk driving seminar has been extended.
    4. From May 2017, road test was added to the automobile driving license test.

  • What is the relation between the cognitive function testing and driving ability?
    • Hits:19

    1. If the driver is with cognitive impairment, it might be accompanied with the declining of concentration, learning ability, memory, and reaction ability. It will affect driving ability.
    2. Although the cognitive function testing is not absolutely related to the driving ability, the potential group for cognitive impairment can be initially screened out through the cognitive function testing. If it is confirmed by a professional doctor, it is not suggested to continue driving or riding to avoid causing danger to ourselves or other road users.

  • Drunk driving and juvenile street racing are the high-risk groups for accident rate and elderly drivers are not the group involving with highest accident rate. Does this mean the order for high-risk groups not handling properly and shall be adjusted?
    • Hits:19

    1. The prevention of juvenile traffic accident is also a promotion that the law enforcement agency has included into the long-term project. In addition, Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act has increased the penalty on drunk driving and the law enforcement agency also cracks down on the violation. In order to improve road safety involved with elderly drivers, we take reference to the approaches used in advanced countries and establish management system in order to promote it the same time as other traffic maintenance tasks.
    2. Most advanced countries have driving license management system for elderly drivers in place. In our country, we plan to implement elderly drivers’ driving license management system on the “drivers who are 75 years old after implementation” and “drivers who are more than 75 years old and involved with violations or license suspension after implementation date”. Other than passing health examination as one of the reviewing method, drivers also need to pass “cognitive function testing” or submit “certificate of not suffering from moderate dementia or above” before they are allowed to renew a driving license for automobile (motorcycle) with a validity of three years. Other than helping the elderly who are not suitable to continue riding or driving understand their own condition, it will remind the family members to pay attention on the driving safety of the elderly’s in order to maintain road traffic safety.
    3. Highway Bureau also receives feedback from many family members to support the system. If their parents pass the testing mechanism, they will feel more relax for them to ride or drive.