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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺
「【9189】Kenting Express Line」: The fastest and most cost-effective way to KentingKaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office-Secretariat2024-06-09
Supervision, police and universities work together to strengthen practical traffic safetyHsinchu Motor Vehicles Office-Hsinchu city station-Fifth Subsection2024-05-31
Maintenance of Traffic Control Equipment on Provincial Highway No. 9 on May 17, 2024Eastern Region Branch Office-Secretariat2024-05-24
A traffic safety improvement study has been conducted on the Guandu Bridge of Taiwan 15 Line to improve traffic problems completelyNorthern Region Branch Office-Secretariat2024-05-15
Zero Tolerance for Drunk Driving, Drunk Driving Lecture Moved to Funeral Parlor.Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office-Secretariat2024-05-14
Remember to insure your vehicle with insurance to avoid license plate cancellation.Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office-Pingtung Station-Fifth Subsection2024-05-07
It only takes 4 minutes to create an idea The submission for the 3rd Ideathon has started.Hsinchu Motor Vehicles Office-Motor vehicle Information Section2024-05-06
The Miaoli Supervision Station handles online public bidding for small vehicle license plates for private use.Hsinchu Motor Vehicles Office-Miaoli Station-Fifth Subsection2024-05-02
Hualien magnitude 6.1 and 5.8 earthquakes, no disaster occurred on Changtou Provincial Highway in MiaozhongCentral Region Branch Office-Traffic Management and Control Center2024-04-30
Provincial Highway No. 9’s Xiaqingshui Bridge Collapsed Due to Rockfall from 4/3 Hualien Earthquake; Fortunately, Old Xiaqingshui Bridge Survived and has been Reinforced with 12-meter Steel Beams to Restore AccessEastern Region Branch Office-Secretariat2024-04-30