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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
  • 內頁主視覺

《From the Mountains to the Oceans》is selected on the recommended book list by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs for「Go Read Taiwan-Starting a Trip when Receiving a Book!」

  • Organization:Northern Region Branch Office-Secretariat
  • Source:First Maintenance Office-Secretariat
  • Contact Person: Yu De, Su
  • Contact Information:02-86875197

" From the Mountains to the Oceans ", published in July, 2020 by the First District Maintenance Engineering Office of the General Directorate of Highways, MOTC, is selected on the recommended book list of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs for' "Go Read Taiwan" and " Starting a Trip when Receiving a Book! " campaign.

In response to the World Reading Day on April 23th, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs hold a press conference on April 21th at the Kishuan Literary Forest for the campaign of "Go Read Taiwan", announcing that the theme of this year is "Go! Let books lead the way" and launching a series of concerned activities such as "Starting a Trip when Receiving a Book!" etc. to turn the static reading habit into an actual sensory experience in life.

On today's press conference, including Shi Zhe ,the Minister of Cultural Affairs、Mo Zhaoping, curatorial consultant and the Chairman of Openbook reading magazine、Tu Fengen, CEO of story studio and a lot of well-known writers such as Li Ang, Chen Yingqing, Li Jinlian, Hu Changsong, Zheng Shuncong, etc. are all invited. Our Office is represented by Chen Yingfu, the former director and the publisher

The Highway linking Yangmingshan and Jinshan is a road created by our ancestors through manpower in order to meet the needs of people's livelihood in the early years. During the Qing Dynasty, the sulfur mining industry in Yangmingshan area began to flourish, the number of people who used this road to mine sulfur increased, and fishermen also used this ancient road to carry their fish from one mountain to another, so it was called "Fish Road."  " From the Mountains to the Oceans -Taiwan 2A Line Yangmingshan-Jinshan Highway" is a special book written by Li Ruizong, Professor of the Taiwan Indigo Dyeing Society entrusted by us, introducing the Taiwan 2A Line, humanities and history. This is the most comprehensive book on the origin of the Taiwan 2A Line, the characteristic landscapes along the way and the cultural and historical changes. Through literature and oral information, the book introduce shops, buildings, characters, scenery and stories along the road from the past to the present thoroughly.

" From the Mountains to the Oceans " is not only the history of highway development but also the life history of residents along the Taiwan 2A line. This is a road book written with heart, extending Taiwan 2A Line to the top of the mountain, the end of the water, and the hearts of countless readers!

Responsible unit:the First District Maintenance Engineering Office

Contact person:Xie Yongzhu, the director of Secretary Office
